August 7, 2018

Leadership Development

“Failing organizations are usually over managed, and under led.”  Warren Bennis

compassionate leaders

  • “Get on the balcony,” orchestrate conflict, think politically, give the work back
  • Diagnose adaptive challenges
  • Distinguish the essential from the expendable
  • Build capacity to face uncertainty
  • Understand leading adaptive change is risky – it challenges the status quo
  • Manage deep value conflicts within ourselves, the community and its people
  • Implement major changes while facing internal resistance
  • Care for themselves, manage their personal vulnerabilities, and sustain the passion for their work

Ché + Assisi Consulting unleashes the leadership potential in individuals and organizations.  Leading change is never easy.  Courageous leadership challenges the status quo when it is no longer producing the intended results.

Courageous leadership distinguishes between technical and adaptive challenges. Technical challenges can be managed by identifying the best authority and standard operating procedure to assure efficient and effective solutions. Adaptive challenges require compassionate, empathetic and motivational leadership to mobilize individuals and organizations to embrace adaptive change.