a social benefit venture for teens
NextGenovation is a social benefit venture designed to generate both profit and a positive impact on youth and our community.
Teens (age 11 +) and their guardians who participate will be on the ground floor of launching a product. The initial target group will be teens transitioning from generational poverty. They will learn all aspects of establishing and running a business. Teens will develop the business plan, production methodology, marketing strategy, advertising, branding, fiscal forecasting, bookkeeping and quality control. Teens will work with a group of parents who agree to serve as the “board of directors.” The board of directors will coach, review and approve every aspect of this business. An agreed upon percent of all profits earned by teens will be invested in their education/college savings fund and when applicable a youth group.
The product we’ve been developing and prototyping over the past several years is called “The FLAX of Life.” This tasty product is packed with all the super food ingredients that psychiatrist Dr. Henry Emmons says are vital to keep our brains and hearts healthy. Combined together, these ingredients result in a delicious product that is ready to market. Several local establishments have expressed interest in prototyping this with their customers.
Please contact us to learn more:
Tim Reardon
Launch Leader
Tim Reardon teaches Social Entrepreneurship at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University and is a founding board member of Impact Hub, Minneapolis St. Paul. A social venture business canvas model will be adapted for use in this venture.